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 Forest Clearing

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Join date : 2010-02-10
Age : 33
Location : Wonderland

Forest Clearing Empty
PostSubject: Forest Clearing   Forest Clearing EmptyWed Feb 10, 2010 11:21 am

Quiet steps sounded in the surrounding forest, a male no taller than 5'10 making his way down the forest path. In his arms was his pokemon Eevee, making little sounds as if she were afraid of the darkness there in the forest, or at least the part they were in. Crimson eyes looked down at the fuurry creature, offering a small smile. "It is okay Eevee. We almost made it to the clearing." he assured, Eevee's eyes looking up at him. His smile warmed as they went a few more minutes until finally they found the circular clearing he had spokem of, the pokemon jumping from his arms to run over and perch on the seat of a picnic table.

Walking over and taking a seat beside her, she made a happy sound from being in the sun as she curled up on his lap. he laughed some, stroking Eevee's fur. "I told you." he teased the small animal, looking up at the blue sky. He hasn't been travelling for long after leaving his hometown, but he was doing pretty well. He ran into a few wild pokemon here and there, but his Eevee was capable and protected them as he did in turn when he felt unsettled in certain places. Now the atmosphere was peaceful and he felt safe there, for both of them.

Pulling out his notebook and a pencil, he placed the tablet on the picnic table and began to write, words going through his mind to continue the story he has been working on since they went out. Lately he had been having an obsession with the Alice in Wonderland series, so he created his own theme based off of that. He thought the story was interesting and so did Eevee who always liked to have him read what he wrote before going off again. Right now she slept though curled up on his lap as he wrote. He didn't mind. She needed her rest. He, David Crowe, on the other hand was wide awake.
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Hollywood Horrorz
Hollywood Horrorz

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Forest Clearing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest Clearing   Forest Clearing EmptyWed Feb 10, 2010 11:44 am

The bright sun beat down hard on Eevee's back, as his dark brown fur attracted the light. Short legs pased back and forth at a fast pace as he wondered around the forest. It had only been a few days since he left the small family, to find a home for himself and even so he had already seen quite a bit of adventure. His left ear's tip had a nouch taken out by a scyther, but other then that he didn't look all that roughed up.

Suddenly his stomach rumbled, bringing the male to a stop. "Gee, hasn't been all that long since I last ate something." Shrugging, his large black eyes looked around for something to help. Then there, in a clearing, it stood standing. A berry tree! Flicking his ears forward, the Eevee rushed out of the dense forest and burst into the clearing before he shimmyed up the berry tree.

hopping on one of the branches, his fluffy tail swayed all around and he made low content sounds as he wrapped his mouth around a blue berry and plucked it from the branch. Noming on its form happily, he was oblivious to the world. that was the down fall, he always fell into pure bliss with the blue oran berrys.
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Forest Clearing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest Clearing   Forest Clearing EmptyWed Feb 10, 2010 11:55 am

David noticed something lunging from the forest from the corner of his eye, looking up and around. "What on earth...?" he murmured, looking to see a Eevee eating a berry. He blinked his eyes once, then twice, looking down to see his Eevee still asleep contently on his lap. Looking back up, he cocked his head. Was it really smart to do that? It seemed...oblivious.

Gently picking up his own Eevee in his arms as she slept, he walked over to the tree. "Mmm..." he sounded quietly, a small smile on his lips. If he had two Eevee's, one could be Umbreon and the other Espeon. He had decided on that combo awhile back since Dark-Type and Psychic-Type were his chosen favorite.

A soft sound escaped his own pokemon as he looked down at her, offering a smile. "Sleep well?" he asked her, her head tilting as she nodded. She never spoke much, even though he knew she could. He had asked if she would like a name once, and she had only stared at him with her big eyes as if telling him he could choose. He still had yet to.

He watched her as she turned, seeing the other Eevee in the tree. She made a sound of delight, leaping from his arms and up onto the branch besides the other. She cocked her head and smiled, pawing at the other playfully to say "hello." David just watched, laughing some before going back to the bench and taking a seat, writing more in his notebook since he doubted the other Eevee would become violent...or so he hoped not. With that doubt, he quickly put his notebook and pencil away and walked back over, staying close enough just in case a battle broke out.
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Hollywood Horrorz
Hollywood Horrorz

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Forest Clearing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest Clearing   Forest Clearing EmptyWed Feb 10, 2010 2:56 pm

Eevee's ears twitched as he suddenly saw a shadow come over the tree. To his suprize it was a trainer, the first he had seen so far. And even more interesting was that the man had another eevee! Before leaving the family Eevee had been told there were not many of his kind around, so its best to focus on something else then to find more like himself. To his delight the trainers eevee jumped into the tree with a friendly hello. "Hello, I'm Eevee. Nice to meet you."

With a smile and a flick of his tail, he offered some of the berrys to the female. All the while watching the man. Maybe it was the way this trainer dressed, but it made the fur on his back stand up slightly every time he got closer. Dismissing it he focused on the one infront of him. "Is that your trainer?" Tilting his head, a wild pidgy was startled out of the tree as the trainer came walking back once more.

As the pokemon flew up high into the sea blue sky, it caused a small whirlwind effect to come pulsing back down on the berry tree. Its small branches shook and the leaves began to fly off to the ground as if they were nothing more then decoration. Emiting a light mew, Eevee clung to the tree till it stopped moving. "I hate when that happens." He mummbled as he shifted his attention back to the other. "You alright?"
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Forest Clearing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest Clearing   Forest Clearing EmptyWed Feb 10, 2010 3:04 pm

Putting an arm up to keep the small whirlwind from having branches and leaves fly into his face, David watched the pokemon fly away with a sigh and a shake of his head. Noe like he really wanted one of those anyway. Leaning himself back against the berry tree, he looked up to make sure his Eevee and the other was ok.

Eevee cocked her head to the side, her eyes blinking as she mwed happily and nodded, flicking her tail at the other pokemon as she nibbled at the berries offered to her. It was obvious she hasn't spoken yet nor did she really want to, but a small "yes" came from her enough to cause her trainer to look up, eyes widened in slight surprise before going back to just relaxing there.

Getting closer to the other Eevee, she made a soft purr-like sound and brushed against the other in a "lets be friends" manner, making a soft mew sound to emphasize. Looking down at David, she jumped down and landed in his lap, causing him to laugh and stroke her fur as she looked back up at the other. What she just did was the answer to the male Eevee's question about David being her trainer.
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Hollywood Horrorz
Hollywood Horrorz

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Forest Clearing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest Clearing   Forest Clearing EmptyWed Feb 10, 2010 3:11 pm

Nodded to the female after the pidgey had left and she had taken her fill of the berry piece. Rubbing back up against her body, his fur became all ruffled before he shook his small frame all about and suddenly his hair was all in place once more as if nothing had happened. Watching her jump down on the trainers lap made his large over sized ears fall lightly. However this would not stop him from holding on to this new friend.

Jumping down a few branches, he padded his way over to just above the male's head. Looking down at the locks of dark hair, he stretched out his front right paw. Lightly touching the trainer, he swiftly pulled his paw back and tilted his head. Seeing no reaction, he did this again but held his paw for a longer time. He continued this action about 5 more times before he put pressure on his paw, and suddenly was standing on the trainers head.

Lowering his head, he bent it infront of the man and blinked several times. His large black eyes seemed to be stareing into his very soul. "Allo..." He spoke lowly, before bringing his head back to its normal position and curling up into a small ball upon the furry head.
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Forest Clearing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest Clearing   Forest Clearing EmptyWed Feb 10, 2010 3:16 pm

David gently stroked Eevee's fur as he felt a paw touch his head, unable to help the small smile on his lips as the other Eevee continued to "poke" his head before he felt its weightactually getting on it. Meeting its dark eyes and hearing it say "Allo" caused him to blink back some shock. 'It can talk?' he thinks, looking at Eevee in his lap that made a sound of happiness as it cuddled. Then again, he was told they could talk after all. He jus never heard one do it.

Moving his head as to keep the other Eevee balanced and not fall, he looked up. "Ello." he greeted in return, his mind going back to the idea of catching it since it seemed to like his own Eevee. Just he figured he should take his time since right now, he was just happy to see his Eevee content and enjoying the fact she found a new friend.
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Hollywood Horrorz
Hollywood Horrorz

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Forest Clearing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest Clearing   Forest Clearing EmptyWed Feb 10, 2010 3:21 pm

Eevee stayed laying on the man's head for a short while before coming bored. As an eevee, he was very active and rarely just sat around as he had been doing. Standing up, he huffed lightly before bounding back to the ground. Shaking himself from the impact, he turned and looked at the female eevee.

Stomping his left paw to the ground, he swayed his tail fast behind his small form and flicked back his ears, going into a low crouch of sorts. Making a yip/bark noise he waited. His attention dead set on the other pokemon. Stomping his paw once more, he had indicated that he wanted to play battle.
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Forest Clearing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest Clearing   Forest Clearing EmptyWed Feb 10, 2010 3:24 pm

David watched the other Eevee bounce around and stomp its paw, getting a look from his own pokemon and a small "bark" of sorts as she jumped from his arms and landed in front of the other male Eevee. She ran around him in circles a moment accepting the small challenge he gave, making David laugh some. "Alright, alright. You can just have fun and play battle."

Eevee ran over and lightly jumped on David, licking his cheek once in a thank you before going back to the male pokemon. With a sound of glee, she lowered before lunging at him, tackling him to the ground and rolling.
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Hollywood Horrorz
Hollywood Horrorz

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Forest Clearing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest Clearing   Forest Clearing EmptyWed Feb 10, 2010 3:28 pm

Held his stance as he watched the female go in circles around him, only to jump back to her trainer and lick his cheek. Tilting his head, he was hit by the tackle and went rolling away into the clearing more. Hopping up, he swiftly back pedaled away from the other pokemon. With little warning, he got a foot hold on the ground and dashed at the Eevee, head first.

Some would call this a headbut, however it was Eevee's own way to tackle. Hitting his skull into the other's side, he sent the girl rolling to the ground. Before leaping after her and nipping at her ear... Viciously? No that wouldn't be a word for it. The nips were nothing more then a tickle however very fast and continued coming one after the other.
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Forest Clearing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest Clearing   Forest Clearing EmptyWed Feb 10, 2010 3:34 pm

Eevee made a small sound as she got knocked back, rolling and eventually stopping only to have the other jump on her and nip. Squealing in enjoyment, she flailed (lolz) and knocked him off enough to jump on him and nip back before she jumped back a bit, a glow covering her tail.

Running at him, she jumped a bit and waved, knocking him to the side and jumping on him, licking his face and pawing at him in completely playfullness, making cute mewing sounds.

David watched with a smirk as he pulled out his notebook and pencil, deicing to sketch the two Eevee's play fighting. She seemed to be very happy to have someone to play with and not battle.
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Hollywood Horrorz
Hollywood Horrorz

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Forest Clearing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Forest Clearing   Forest Clearing EmptyWed Feb 10, 2010 6:19 pm

Eevee stayed there and played dead for a moment, before he jumped back up. Smiling he laughed and curled up on the long grass. Light gusts of wind rolled over the area as noon seemed to slip by them as if hours were minuets. Yawning, he stood and looked at the trainer and pokemon. Bowing his head he wiggled his tail and then walked back into the forest.

It was getting late now, and Eevee had to make his way back home before it was too dark. Because when that happened.. all the bad pokemon would start to come out. He didn't want to get caught up in a random battle he would lose anyway.
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